Cerkev sv. Nikolaja je najstarejša in najpomembnejša sakralna stavba Novega mesta. V arhivskem gradivu je prvič omenjena leta 1428 kot “sanndt Nicla khirchen”. Ob ustanovitvi škofije v Novem mestu leta 2006 je bila cerkev povzdignjena v stolnico. Cerkev je sestavljena iz treh delov: monumentalnega zvonika, ki je bil sezidan približno med letoma 1450 in 1480 in je v drugi polovici 19. stoletja dobil današnjo novogotsko podobo, dolgega kora (prezbiterija) s kripto in zakristijo, katerega gradnja se je začela kmalu po letu 1497 in je nadomestila starejši oltarni prostor, ter v osnovi gotske ladje, ki je bila barokizirana okoli leta 1621.
Razgledna ploščad Kapitelj
Prenovljen zvonik stolne cerkve sv. Nikolaja se ponaša z atraktivnimi elementi, vse od vhoda pa do vrha razgledne ploščadi, do koder se boste povzpeli po 126 stopnicah. Štirje zvonovi na vrhu nove razgledne ploščadi pričajo o bogati zgodovini cerkvene dediščine in so še danes deležni znamenitega pritrkavanja, prav tako je izstopajoče novo stopnišče iz hrastovega lesa in kovinske konstrukcije, s tremi vmesnimi etažami s steklenimi elementi ter stari urni mehanizem v zgornjem delu zvonika. Ta je nekoč deloval s pomočjo lesenih vrčev s kamenjem, ki so služile kot uteži, zdaj pa je mehanizem znamenitost zase in del razstavnih površin stolne cerkve sv. Nikolaja, sicer ene največjih znamenitosti starega mestnega jedra. Na razgledišče na višini 24 metrov vodi notranje stopnišče, vse do vrha stolpa z zvonovi, kjer je moč občudovati čudovite poglede na vse štiri strani Novega mesta: na Trško goro, na Gorjance s Trdinovim vrhom, na mestno jedro ter na Marof in širšo okolico. Višina razgledne ploščadi znaša 24,04 metra nad nivojem pritličja, med vzpenjanjem pa so tri vmesne ploščadi s steklenim dnom, in sicer na višini 3,71 metra, 9,22 metra in 16,63 metra.
Zvonovi zvonika stolne cerkve sv. Nikolaja v Novem mestu pričajo o pomembni zgodovini
16. decembra 1855 so v zvonik Kapiteljske cerkve dvignili štiri bronaste zvonove, ki jih je vlila livarna zvonov Antona Samasse v Ljubljani. Največji, težak 3120 funtov, (~1745kg) je posvečen Svetemu Nikolaju, drugi, težak 1992 funtov (~1104kg) je posvečen Svetemu Florjanu, tretji, težak 902 funta (~502kg) je bil posvečen Svetemu Janezu Nepomuku in četrti najmanjši, je bil težak 427 funtov (~236kg) ter posvečen Svetemu Jakobu, apostolu. Tekom prve svetovne vojne je Avstro-Ogrska vojska za potrebe izdelave orožja iz zvonika snela manjša dva zvonova in tako sta v zvoniku ostala samo velika dva, ki sta ohranjena še danes. Takšno stanje je bilo v zvoniku do leta 1925, ko je Josip Košiček daroval dva nova zvonova. Ta dva zvonova sta bila vlita v livarni J&H Bühl v Mariboru. Manjši tehta nekaj več kot 300 kilogramov, večji nekaj več kot 600 kilogramov.
Kronologija zvonika stolne cerkve sv. Nikolaja
1450-1480 prizidan zvonik
1576 požar upepelil proštijo in močno poškodoval cerkev
1591 adaptacija cerkve
1667 nova čebulasta streha na zvoniku
1824 obnova strehe zvonika
1855 umestitev štirih zvonikov
1860 regotizacija zvonika
1878 nova bakrena kritina zvonika
2003 - 2006 celovita prenova zunanjščine zvonika
2022 izgradnja novega stopnišča v stolpu in obnova zvonika
Delovni čas / Opening hours*
ponedeljek - petek: 9.00-11.30 / 12.05-18.00
sobota: 10.00-15.30 / 16.05-18.00
nedelja: 12.05-18.00
ponedeljek - petek: 9.00-11.30 / 12.05-17.00
sobota: 10.00-14.30 / 15.05-17.00
nedelja: 12.05-17.00
* Opozorilo: ob vseh polnih urah in ob sobotah ob 16. uri zvonijo zvonovi, zato obisk v tem času ni priporočljiv. Vsak dan ob 19. uri je na sporedu sveta maša (poleti ob 19., pozimi ob 18. uri), zato se obiski poleti zaključijo najkasneje ob 18. uri, pozimi pa ob 17. uri. V primeru cerkvenih praznikov ali izrednih slovesnosti si Cerkev pridržuje pravico do spremembe delovnega časa. Obiskovalce prosimo za spoštovanje pravil.
* Warning: church bells ring every hour on the hour and at 4 p.m. on Saturdays, so a visit during this time is not recommended. Holy Mass is scheduled every day at 7 p.m., so the visiting hours end at 6 p.m. in summer and at 5 p.m. in winter. In the event of church holidays or unscheduled ceremonies, the Church reserves the right to change the opening hours. Visitors are asked to follow the rules.
Želite obiskati razgledno ploščad stolne cerkve sv. Nikolaja?

Welcome to St Nicholas's Cathedral in Novo mesto
The church of St Nicholas is the oldest and most important sacred building in Novo mesto. It was first mentioned in historical archives in 1428 as "sanndt Nicla khirchen". When the Diocese of Novo mesto was established in 2006, the church was elevated to the status of cathedral. The church consists of three sections: the monumental bell tower, which was built between 1450 and 1480 and was restored in its current neo-Gothic style in the second half of the 19th century, a long choir (presbytery) with a crypt and sacristy, the construction of which began soon after 1497 and replaced the older altar area, and the Gothic nave, which was baroquified around 1621.
Observation deck Kapitelj
The renovated bell tower of the Novo mesto Cathedral (the Chapter Church of St Nicholas) boasts appealing features all the way from the entrance to the top of the observation deck – a climb of 126 steps. The four bells at the top of the new observation deck testify to the rich history of the religious heritage, and they are still rung by bell chiming performers. Another eye-catching feature is a new staircase made of oak wood and steel frame with three mezzanine floors containing glass elements and an old clock mechanism in the upper part of the bell tower. The mechanism was once powered by stone weights in the shape of "jugs", but now it is an attraction in itself and part of the exhibition space of St Nicholas's Cathedral, one of the most important sights of the old town. An internal staircase leads to the 24-metre high observation deck – all the way to the top of the bell tower, where you can admire the beautiful views on all four sides of Novo mesto: Trška gora, the Gorjanci hills with Trdinov vrh, the old town, the Marof hill and the surrounding area. The height of the observation deck is 24.04 metres above ground level, and in between, there are three mezzanine levels with glass bottoms at a height of 3.71, 9.22 and 16.63 metres.
The bells in the bell tower of the Novo mesto Cathedral testify to an important history
On 16 December 1855, four bronze bells, cast by the Anton Samassa bell foundry in Ljubljana, were lifted up into the bell tower of the Chapter Church. The largest of the bells, weighing 3,120 pounds (~ 1,745kg), was dedicated to St Nicholas, the second one, weighing 1,992 pounds (~ 1,104kg), was dedicated to St Florian, the third one, weighing 902 pounds (~ 502kg), was dedicated to St John of Nepomuk and the fourth (and smallest) one, weighing 427 pounds (~ 236kg), was dedicated to Saint James the Apostle. During the First World War, the Austro-Hungarian army removed two smaller bells from the bell tower to be reused as weapons, so only the two larger ones remained in the bell tower, and they are still preserved today. In 1925, Josip Košiček donated two new bells. They were cast at the J&H Bühl foundry in Maribor. The smaller one weighs just over 300 kilograms, the larger one just over 600 kilograms.
Chronology of the bell tower of St Nicholas's Cathedral
1450–1480 the bell tower is added
1576 a fire destroys the Provost's building and causes severe damage to the church
1591 renovation of the church
1667 a new onion dome is constructed over the bell tower
1824 renovation of the bell tower roof
1855 installation of four bells
1860 re-gothization of the bell tower
1878 new copper roofing installed on the bell tower
2003–2006 complete renovation of the bell tower exterior
2022 construction of a new staircase and renovation of the bell tower
Would you like to visit beautiful observation deck in St Nicholas's Cathedral?
You can buy ticket HERE.